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Multiple activations for personal use

A license for Soothe2 & Spiff comes with two concurrent activations, and Bloom with three. You can manage the activations however you wish in the iLok License Manager. To learn how to activate your license on a new computer, please consult this article.

License vs. Activation

Just for clarifications, note that license and an activation are different things. When you purchase a copy of one of our plug-ins, you get one license with two/three simultaneous activations. You can redeem your license once to your iLok account, after which you are free to use your activations as you please. Activations are managed in the iLok License Manager, not by using the code again.

One user per license

Please note, that the concurrent activations we offer are for personal use only, and must not be shared between individuals. This is documented in our End-User License Agreement you accept when installing and using our products.

For example, if you have a production partner/s and you’re looking to use e.g. soothe2 in your shared projects, all of the individual users must own their own license for soothe2. Sharing the license between production partners is not possible, and attempting to do so voids the End-User License Agreement.

Multi-seat Licenses

You should purchase a license for each seat (= room, computer) in a multi-seated studio, for reasons explained above.

Please contact us for a possible deal for multiple license purchases!